Thursday, January 27, 2011

Warm days in Kansas!

The weather forecast for today and tomorrow was expected to be warm and sunny. They definitely got today right! It was so nice that Rachel and I spent a couple hours outside. She got to crawl around in the grass and I got to repurpose some random piles of bricks that were around our house.

Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer, so hopefully I can get more outside stuff done.

Here are some pictures of Rachel in front of the house - wearing her new blue jean jacket she got for Christmas!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Our new house

Hi everyone!
I created a youtube video of the new house with furnishings. Unfortunately the sounds fades out around a minute into the video, but you can guess what the purpose is for the different rooms.
Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Holidays 2010

Rachel for her first Halloween. Grandma Janet bought her the lady bug outfit, and although she didn't actually go trick or treating in it, the pictures turned out great for the rest of us to enjoy!
Rachel at Thanksgiving! We spent Thanksgiving in Sumter and everyone from my Dad's side of the family got to meet Rachel for the first time. She loved the leaves in the back yard so much!

Rachel's first Christmas...We were only one day shy of a white Christmas in Sumter.

Rachel's first present from Santa.

Still Publishing

Catching everyone up to speed

Well after much encouragement from friends and family I have started a blog of our life. In order to catch everyone up to speed, I'll do some summary about our life up to this point.

Once we got to Tampa, FL we bought a house and I began work for HealthFitness as a contractor for the Mosaic Company. I worked as a health educator for the employees there.
We got to do a lot of fun things in Florida - we went to Key West twice, had Disney passes for a year, had year passes for the aquarium and zoo in Tampa, and much more! It was awesome!

After a while we decided to have a baby and got very lucky. We found out we were pregnant in August and had baby Rachel on April 16, 2010

In July 2010 we found out that we were getting an assignment to McConnell AFB in Wichita, KS. Because we had to move over the holidays we got to spend alot of time with family, but i'll post more photos/videos of that later.