Monday, February 28, 2011

Rachel and Polie

Rachel and Polie like to look outside our family room window.

However, most of the time she just likes to look at him and mess with him.

I wonder where she gets that lip from?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Long weekend with my parents

My parents flew out for their first visit to Kansas over the long President's Day weekend. We had a great time and they got to spend lots of time with Rachel.

Here, Rachel was "walking" the Woo. Polie is so good with her, he treats her like his little sister.

In the bath

Isaiah and I were feeling a little silly one evening and decided to use our daughter for some humor. Here's some pics of her in the bathtub with some suds on her head.

Some random pictures

We had a nice day a couple weeks ago, so Rachel got to spend some time out in the grass and playing with the leaves.

We subscribed to the weekend editions of the local newspaper. Rachel decided to help me read through one of the sections one day.

She really likes her Baby Einstein dvd's. We call her a Baby Einstein group, because she gets as close to the tv as possible and waves her hands in the air to the music.

She's gotten to be such a big girl. She can hold the bottle by herself now, but hasn't learned how to hold it up enough while she's sitting. But laying down is no problem.