Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday to Rachel

It's hard to believe it's been a whole year since Rachel was born. I remember last April 16th like it was yesterday.

Here's her big birthday cake that Rachel shared with everyone else.

For your enjoyment, here's the video of everyone singing Happy Birthday to Rachel.

Here's Rachel thoroughly enjoying her first birthday cake!

Swan Lake

One of my favorite places back home is Swan Lake. This is the same gardens where Isaiah and I got married. We took Rachel there for the first time during our trip for her first birthday.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rachel's birthday present

We will be leaving for SC in the next few days to celebrate Rachel's first birthday with the family. We decided to go ahead and get her birthday present this weekend to try out.

We picked out the Mickey Mouse 4-N-1 Ride Along. While she is little, it has a safety bar to keep her contained, and I can push it down the street. When she gets a little bigger, she can push it herself.

She really seemed to like the new toy. If you listen closely at the end of the video she is going "weeee".

Rachel "talking"

Rachel was talking up a storm this morning, so Isaiah decided to video it. Please excuse her hair - it got washed the night before, she had just woke up and we had been outside first thing and the Kansas wind had blown it everywhere.

Rachel eating spaghetti

Rachel loved her first bowl of spaghetti! If you listen closely you can hear her slurping the noodles down.