Monday, April 9, 2012

Rachel playing in the pool

I joined the 384th squadron spouses group planned outing to go see The Hunger Games and dinner at Jose Peppers. So, that left Isaiah and Rachel the whole afternoon together. It was warm enough to drag out the pool and let Rachel have some fun.this is a good cheesy grin
trying to get out of the pool
yay! camera/eye contact

Squadron Easter Egg Hunt

Rachel got to do her very first Easter egg hunt with the 384th Squadron. She was a natural! I gave her little bunny bag to her and showed her how you pick up the eggs and then put them in her bag and she was off.This was her first egg.
Placing the egg in her bag.
Showing off her eggs.
She discovered that there's candy inside the egg. So she was bringing them to me to fix it back.
Rachel and Rosalyn Massey checking out the Easter eggs on the ground.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Easter Bunny visit 2012

Well the Easter bunny made his official visit to the Oppelaar house this year. Rachel didn't notice her basket of goodies at first so we had to point it out to her, and then she had a big smile on her face.Here she is checking out all her goodies.
She went straight for her Easter Bear.
Her first experience with peeps. She calls them "chickuns".

Friday, April 6, 2012

Rachel and March fun outside

Well, we had about 2 weeks of beautiful, uncharacteristically warm weather in Kansas. A few of the days it was so warm I decided to let Rachel play in the water outside. She had a blast playing with her toys and the sprinkler. Enjoy...

Here's a video of her playing the water: