Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter - 384th Egg Hunt

Our squadron hosts a egg hunt for the kids every year. Rachel really enjoyed it this year. She went to town collected the eggs. We had to tell her to back off a little so some of the smaller kids could get a chance.
Here she's posing with her haul of eggs.

Collecting some more

She's so busy its hard to ever get a shot of her looking at the camera. But here's her and Isaiah.

Ruth posing with Rachel's basket. We had to do this fast because Rachel was afraid Ruth was going to steal all her eggs and candy.

Ruth touched an egg, so Rachel was telling her to get her hands off.

"Family photo"

Amanda's 30th Birthday

Ugh, well, I hit the big 3-0. I wasn't looking forward to leaving my 20's, but did want to celebrate. Isaiah and the kids got me some great gifts, some picture frames, and Isaiah booked us a cruise in May for 5 days to the carribbean. I can't wait!
My fantastic cake that Isaiah did the writing on.

Me and girls posing before I go out with friends.

Yay! What a great, wonderful group of beautiful and fanstastic ladies that took time out of their super busy lives to come and celebrate with me. Thank you so much for making my night special!

Yum! My birthday dessert! We all shared several rounds and there was still food left.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I hosted a party for our squadron playgroup with a St. Patrick's Day theme. Here are some pictures from the party and then of the girls actually on St. Patrick's Day.

Rachel eating her snack

One of the crafts we made

Happy St. Patty's Day - I can never get a good one of both. This one Ruth has a fantastic smile, but Rachel's not looking.

This one is pretty good, but Ruth has her fingers in her mouth.

More Snow Fun

We've had our share of snow fun this year. Here are some pictures from the snow storm where we took Rachel sledding and built a snowman.

A Woo playing in the snow.

Awesome hill on base where we took Rachel sledding for the first time.

Rachel and I sledding, check out her eyes closed!

Rachel and I posing for a pic at the top of the hill.

My snowman

Rachel's snowman - Ha!

 The igloo Isaiah built. He stole my snowman balls and so I decorated his igloo.

Me in the igloo

Little Miss chillin' in the snow.