Monday, June 6, 2011

Our First Camping Trip

Yay! Our first camping trip as a family...We went to Winfield City Lake near the small town of Winfield, KS. We rented an RV from Outdoor Rec and it was fabulous! We stayed from Friday through Monday and got to enjoy some family time and Isaiah and I got some individual time. He got to do some fishing and I got to put some puzzles together.

Isaiah caught lots of fish, including this really huge bass. It was so big we couldn't keep it in the bucket, so Isaiah set it free.

It was really hot, so we let her run around before bathtime with just a diaper on. She's a super funny girl!

Rachel and Polie enjoying some outdoor time. We bought Rachel her first camping chair and she likes it alot!

Below are some photos from Lake Winfield Resevoir swimming area. Rachel likes her float, it relaxes her alot and she enjoys watching all the other people swimming and having fun.


Lindsey said...

Yay! You guys are so much braver than we least you had an RV and not just a tent! :) I love Rachel's camping chair. Too cute!

Frosty Family said...

I like that floating chair. Never seen one like that before.