Friday, October 21, 2011

McConnell Family Mobility Line

On Saturday, October 15, 2011, we took Rachel (and myself) to our first Family Mobility Line. The purpose is to show families how our heros prepare for deployments, but obviously they tried to make it a little more fun for us.

Isaiah with Rachel when we first got here. Everyone is still happy in this photo, that's how you know we had just got here. Rachel got a camo hat so the deployment could be more realistic.

Rachel and I - we were assigned to Chalk #3. Even though we got here right when they told us to - 10am. We were assigned to the 3rd group to proceed through the mobility line.

Isaiah was impressed that they were true to their word of showing how a mobility line works - having to wait in line for a long time. We ended up waiting outside in our chalks for an hour.

OK, now we're "marching" to the mobility building so we can get our intel briefings and then proceed to the jet. Notice Rachel did no marching.

Rachel was super excited about her dog tags.

Now we're on the bus to head to air plane.

Mom and Rachel outside of the airplane. As you can tell from our hair, it was a typical windy Kansas day. But other than that, I like this photo.

Rachel checking out the cockpit. Apparently there were a couple buttons and flashy lights that caught her attention. I don't believe it though.

All the jets here at McConnell. Since coming from MacDill its still impressive to me how big this 135 wing is and how many jets they have here.


Lindsey said...

I can't get over how big she is! :) I don't think Avery would have made it if we had to wait in line an hour for anything!

Meara O. said...

That is so cool!! I wish they would do something like that for the Sub Force when they leave. I love the pictures of Rachel and Isaiah, and the one of you and her is beautiful! You look fantastic :)