Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dole Center Play Day

March 20, 2012

So this week was spring break for all the schools in the area. This also affected Rachel's Mom's Day Out program. The base community center offered some events this week for all the kids out of school. It ended up being a great thing that they did this, because we've had lots of spring showers this whole week.
Tuesday, they hosted a bouncy house day for all the kids - you can rent these from the Outdoor Rec and they are awesome! Rachel had a great time and did well with all the bigger kids bouncing around her.

Rachel in her disco outfit!
Rachel deciding which house to go to first.
Rachel sliding out of the Atlantis bouncy house.
Below is a very quick video of her jumping around.

Rachel playing outside -March 2012

Rachel on the Playground

Spring has sprung in Kansas! The grass has started to turn green, we're getting leaves on the tress, and the flowers are starting to sprout and even bloom. Rachel loves being outside, and we've gotten to spend alot of time doing just that.
We're very lucky that the base has so many playgrounds within walking distance. All of us went out in the afternoon to one of these parks to let her get out some energy. Here's her and Isaiah in one of the playhouses.
Rachel going down the slide - Lindsey, here's her "bunket" you made her.
She's very good at going up and down the steps for the playground.
She loves going down the slide with her Daddy
Here's a fun video:
Now we're sad because we have to go home.
Happy Spring everyone!

Rachel, Polie and the Screen Door

Rachel and Polie had a great time going in an out of the screen door. Polie wants to be outside, where we are, but then he wants to go back inside. Rachel thought this was hilarious! Polie was inside and Rachel would open the screen door seeming to let him out, and then would slam the door back in his face. This however, made Polie really upset. Eventually, she got distracted one time opening it and he made his escape.

Rachel playing in the snow

February 13, 2012
Again, I have done really at keeping our blog udpated. Here are some pictures and videos from our one and only snow we had this year.
Both of the videos were uploaded on youtube, so let me know if you have any problems.
It figures that this winter would be uncharacteristically mild. Last year it snowed like every week for 6 weeks straight and was really, really cold. So we were prepared this year. We bought Rachel a snow suit, snow boots, hats, and gloves. This was the only time she got to wear them. Oh well, enjoy the videos.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

My New Camera

Isaiah got me a new camera for my birthday. I'm not much of a photographer, and we've never had a really great camera, just something to take basic pictures. However, since Christmas I've been in love with the Nikon 1, but figured I didn't need something that ridiculous. In any case, he surprised me and I love it! I've become a firm believer in having the right tools can really make up for lack of skills - case in point golf equipment and now this.
Isaiah took this picture of me in the backyard. I think it turned out pretty good. I'm actually pretty happy and proud of it because I'm never in a picture all by myself. Typically, I'm the one taking the pictures or have other family members in the photo.
Here's Rachel at a friends house. I can't believe how great the camera brings out how beautiful her skin is!
We went to Granite City Brewery in Wichita for my birthday. We had not been before, but I had heard good things about it. The most fantastic part were all the friends that made it a priority to come and spend my birthday with me. I'm so appreciative and thankful to have met so many wonderful people while here in Kansas.
Rachel had spent the afternoon outside (see previous picture), so she was a little wind worn and sweaty by the time we got to the resturant. I've been waiting for the perfect time to put her in this sailor dress, but I still didn't get a very good picture. Maybe I can try and take a better one in the next few weeks.
I really like this photo. I''m so happy that Rachel likes it when I kiss her.