Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Riverbanks Zoo - August 19, 2012

We have a zoo membership in Wichita and go at least once a week. So since we've left, Rachel asks about every day if we're going to see the animals, and each day we've had to say no. This past Saturday we were finally able to make a trip to Columbia to visit the zoo. Rachel seemed to have a blast. Here are some pics from the day.

This picture is a little blurry, but she's actually looking at the camera and smiling, so I had to share. Don't you love her SC T-shirt? I love that we can go to Wal-Mart and get SC paraphanalia.

Checking out the gorrilas that were on the other side of the glass.

She enjoyed the penny making machines. We didn't actually do the gimmick, I didn't want to start something and go into debt because she'd want to do it over and over again.

Putting her hands in the gorrila hand prints.

Rachel and Mommy outside of the reptile/fish building.

Rachel loved the aquarium area of the zoo. She ran back and forth a hundred times checking it all out. She named out sharks, jelly fish, sea horses, and sea stars. We didn't mind her playing in this area because it was air conditioned.

Memaw and Rachel looking at the bunnies in the barn area.

Rachel actually fed the goats a couple times but by the time I got the camera ready she didn't want to do it anymore.

Pepaw, Memaw, Rachel and Ruth at the end of the trip. What a fun morning!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Playing outside

Well, it has taken me days to get these pictures loaded on the blog. In fact, its been a week. Any way, we let Rachel play with her pool outside to get out some energy after it had been raining all week long. Here are some pictures from her fun afternoon.
Here's the pretty girl...again, not looking at the camera.

Playing with the water, but not actually in the water.

Working on filling the bucket.

Oh fun, a puddle! Who needs a swimming pool when you have a mosquito-infested rain puddle to stomp in.

My crazy girl. In fact the only picture I took this day that she was looking at the camera.

Taking a break from all the playing.

Here's Miss Ruth - a little over 6 weeks old chillin' outside while big sis plays.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rachel and her Princess Car

We found this Princess car at a garage sale and had to have it for Rachel. It had a few issues, but I figured if nothing else she could play in it.

Here she is posing for the camera in her new car.

Driving down the driveway.

Here's a video of her having fun learning how the gas works. We're still working on the steering part.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Ruth - 6 weeks old

My baby girl is 6 weeks old today.
She has started really making eye contact and smiling at me. She had a pretty bad case of erythema toxicum (basically baby acne), but it is finally starting to clear up. She has been sleeping really well during the day and at night and the breastfeeding is still going really well. She can get pretty fussy when she goes more than 3 days without pooping, but I'm sure we'd all be a little fussy too.
Most nights she only gets up twice between 9 and 6, one night she even blessed me with one get up, but thankfully most of the time we're both back in bed again beween 30 minutes to an hour.
I'm loving spending so much time with her and can't wait for her to do other things, but at the same time I am trying to cherish how little she is now. Rachel is starting to like being a big sister more each day, but still wants her mommy time and can get upset if she doesn't get it. So I'm still learning to juggle them both, but it is getting better and easier.

Ruth meets Granny Lottie

My dad's mom - Granny Lottie as I know, got to meet baby Ruth this week.

She had 4 babies and still has a way with them.

Of course my wiggle worm, Rachel, this was the best family photo I could get.

Granny has lots of interesting things in her house. Rachel found some pretend potatoes in a basket and started taking them out, lining them up, and counting them.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 "tatah's"

My Uncle Larry and Dad holding Ruth.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Very pretty pictures of Rachel

Here are some pictures taken at my parents house. She had on a very pretty dress Sunday and took some good pictures.

Cheesing for the camera before going down her slide.

Rachel and my Aunt Judy swinging.

Rachel running like a tazmanian devil around the backyard.

A quick smile while helping Pepaw put up the "tractor" (riding lawn mower)

Rachel and her SC swimming pool

My parents got Rachel one of those freestanding pools with the slide. She loved the slide portion alot. She had had a very messy dinner, so we just let her play in her clothes.
She's such a wiggler, this is the best photo of her in the pool.

Trying to keep Polie away from her ice cream cone.

She was really happy about getting the ice cream.