Well, I am way behind again, but figured I needed to post Ruth's 4 months stats before her 5 month are in.
She had her 4 month appointment on November 11. We had a worry a few weeks before the appointment. I wasn't sure that her skull was developing correctly - it was clearly higher on the left side (as you can see in this picture) than on the right. We went to the doctor and tried several suggestions such as making sure she napped/slept on the opposite side, spent more time on her tummy and nursed more on one side over the other. Thankfully, you can't tell the differentce between the two sides.
In any case, she weighed 11.09 pounds, 10%tile, she was 25 inches long, 78%tile, and her head was 15.6, 25%tile. The doctor was concerned about her weight. She's gained since her last appointment, but not much. So he suggested I try to start cereal and solid foods. She took to the cereal with breast milk really well, but only on the spoon. Bottle feeding has not gone well at all, and she thinks I'm poisoning her with the solid foods.
She can roll from her tummy to her back and has begun holding and interacting with toys.
She is super in love with Rachel and tries to grab her whenever she gets near.
Here are some pics from around 4months old. Enjoy!
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