Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My parents and I took the girls to EdVenture in Columbia one Saturday. I had seen "Snowville" advertised, and thought it would be a fun time, since Rachel loves snow. It turns out there wasn't really snow, but I think she still had fun anyway.
My parents and the girls waiting outside for them to open.

Rachel and Ruth, about as close as they get to one another. Rachel loves her "Jingle hat".

They had a farm area. This was by far Rachel's favorite. They had a tractor and a tree that you could pick the peaches off and put in the baskets. She wanted to do it the other way though. She kept putting the peaches back in the tree holes.

Rachel posing at the giant wall of magnetic wheels.

Running through a tunnel in Snowville.

Rachel likes these peep hole photo boards as much as I do.

Playing hockey

Ruth and I in the toddler area.

Wichita has a great children's museum and toddler area, but Columbia has definintely exceded the mark. This area was great. There was a big tree house, boat, and tiny tot area. The girls spent a long time playing in here.

Ruth playing on a play mat in the tiny tot area.

Rachel and Grandpa sending the anchor overboard.

Sumter Christmas Parade

In early December, we took Rachel to the Sumter Christmas parade. This was her first parade. I was a little nervous that she would get bored and want to start wandering off, but she actually really enjoyed it.
In true fashion, Grandma was spoiling her and let her get a Gingerbread man balloon. She loved this thing!

Rachel chillin' with Grandpa and the Gingerbread man.

My little diva - waiting for the parade to start. It took it a while to get to where we were, but she did pretty good and once it started, she basically sat and watched the whole thing.

Rachel waving to the people on the old fire engine.

Ruth checking out the little shriner cars.

Trip to Las Vegas

Well, we finally made it to the end of the Weapon's School. It has been a long six months and then at the same time it feels as though it has flown by. Ruth and I flew out to Las Vegas from South Carolina on Friday, for a whirlwind trip, leaving on Sunday. We stayed at the Flamingo hotel, so we got to check out casino and some of the other nearby hotels and casinos while we were here.
Here we are in front of the Venetian.

Sarah, Isaiah's sister, and Jud arrived in Vegas for their own vacation within 30 minutes of Ruth and I getting in. We all met up to hang out for a while. This was the first time Miss Ruth got to meet her Aunt and Uncle.

We met several of the other people from Isaiah's class and their family at a German biergarten - the Hauf Brau House. The food was great, and they had the traditional German band.

Here we are in the hotel before going to graduation. One of my good friends from Wichita, graciously agreed to keep Ruth while we were at the event.

Here's Isaiah's class and their spouses. We were being silly since the guys kept their mustaches the whole class. They just shaved them off on Thursday at Patch night.

Taking a family photo

Isaiah recieing the Outstanding Graduate trophy for his class. He definitely deserved it. I'm so glad that he was rewarded for all his hard work!

All the McConnell people posing afterwards.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Setting up the Christmas Tree

While Isaiah was here for Thanksgiving, we set up the Christmas tree. Rachel would pick the ornament out of the box, bring it to Isaiah, who would put the hook on, and then she would pick the best place for the ornament on the tree.

She found the Jingle hat and needed it to help her get into the Christmas spirit.

Here she is singing Christmas songs while putting ornaments on the tree.
Below is a video of Ruth talking to Grandpa while he's putting the tree together:

Breakfast with Santa

The Carolina Skies Club at Shaw had a Breakfast with Santa today. So we decided to take the kids for a fun morning to kick off the Christmas season.
He arrived in a Fire Truck - always a favorite among toddlers

Here's Rachel telling me about Santa.

They had a little photo spot in the sleigh. I couldn't get both kids to look at the camera, oh well.

Rachel sitting on Santa's lap. She did a really good job. She didn't talk to him, but she did check out his beard.

Here's the kids with Santa.