Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I didn't go all out, but did decide to buy each of the girls a little something and the bag in the middle was a little something for the big kid in the house :)

Ruth checking out her book from Grandma and Grandpa

Rachel showing off her book from Grandma and Grandpa

Polie loving on his toy from Grandma and Grandpa

We went to my friend, Jenn's house for a Valentine's playgroup party. Rachel and Ruth had so much fun.
Rachel having some juice

Rachel having a snack with her friend Wyatt and Camille

Silly Rachel has a "o-stache" as she calls it

Ruth and her new friend Faith loving on each other and playing

Rachel crafting with Valentines hearts, stickers and glitter pens

Rachel decorating her cookie - she ate all the frosting and sprinkles before they made it on her cookie

Me and girls :)

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