Sunday, September 8, 2013

Rachel's First Day of Preschool

Rachel had her first day of Preschool on Friday, September 6, 2013 at Eastminster Presbyterian in Wichita, Kansas.

We had a "Meet the Teacher" night a few days before where we got to meet Ms. Lisa and check out her classroom, meet some of her classmates, and find out where everything was in her class.

I got to stay for my own Parent Orientation while Rachel got to have fun in her classroom. Here we are getting ready for the kids to go back to class and checking out all the paperwork I have to fill out.

Here's Rachel and her class going back to their classroom.

Here she is, super excited about her tote bag that she brings to and from school. She made it with her hand print and it has her name on it. She is so excited to be going to school and I am a little bit too!


Monday, April 29, 2013

Family Festival of Fun 2013

Well, this is take 2 for McConnell Family Festival of Fun. We attended this event last year, and Rachel seemed to really enjoy it. This year didn't disappoint, in fact, she enjoyed it even more.
Here she is checking out the petting zoo.

She liked to pet the sheep.

Here she is giving the sheep a hug.

Rachel was super excited about the horse back rides. We waited in line for a long time, but she remained very patient. Look at that smile, she was really enjoying it.

Rachel killing the cotton candy

Happy girl, Ruth, finally got to escape the stroller. Rachel was having fun on the bouncy houses and Ruth got to crawl around for a while.

Waiting patiently for the fire truck ride.

Big smiles after the fire truck ride

She got to go through the fire/smoke house and learn how to evacuate in case of a fire. She was at the window, like let me know out of here!

Rachel and Daddy next to the humvee

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rachel turns 3!

Well, Rachel is 3 years old. I feel like this is such a huge milestone. She's not a baby any more, and even though her clothes have a T next to them, I don't feel like she's a toddler either. She weighs about 32 pounds, and 3 feet tall. We're going in the right direction for potty training, but still have some accidents.
We had her first kids birthday party at the YMCA. We did a gymnastics party, they do a great job and took alot of pressure off for decorating, setting up, and cleaning.

Rachel playing on the gymnastics equipment.

All the kids playing.

Jess and Copeland, Cat and Cami

Lyssa and Camden

Ruth having a blast
Rachel showing off

Big smiles! Getting to play with the big kids

Rachel and her friend Deuce sharing the platform

After playing, Rachel got to lead the line back to the multipurpose room. She was so proud.

The loot

The kids socializing before the cake.

Rachel coloring and waiting patiently for the cake

The cake

Rachel blowing out the candles

Rachel eating cake

We took Rachel to Chuckie Cheese on her actual birthday. Here she is eating pizza and watching the band play.

Her friend Camilla came to play and eat also.

Rachel riding with Chuckie

Her favorite was the school bus. We taught her how to put the coins in the machine. She must have rode the bus like 6 times in a row.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Happy 9 Month's Ruth!

My baby girl is already 9 months old - Wow! Time has sure flown by. We've been in Wichita, drove to SC, visited FL, Washington state, Las Vegas, back to SC, then back to Wichita, and now we're getting ready to move to our new house in Wichita. She is such an easy going, sweet, and even tempered little girl. It is so awesome to watch her watching Rachel and just loving everything she does and wanting to be just like big sister. She babbles like crazy, can crawl like a speed demon, is pulling up, and even standing unassisted for a few seconds. She is eating solids really well and takes great naps and sleeps through the night. I couldn't ask for a better baby, she really is perfect.
At the doctor today she weighed 16 pounds and 11 ounces, making her in the 15th percentile. A much bigger improvement from when she was 6 months old. She was 28 1/2 inches, making her in the 79th percentile for height and her head was at the 50th percentile.
Here are some pictures we took at Easter with her all decked out in her frilly outfit. Enjoy!
She smiles all the time, but for some reason this was really the only smile I could catch on camera.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! He has risen!
What a wonderful day we were able to spend together. The weather was sunny and warm, so we got to spend alot of time outside enjoying it.
Here are Rachel and Ruth checking out their baskets from the Easter bunny.

Here's Rachel and her balloon.

Ruth and her bathtime book.

We had to hurry and get ourselves and the girls dressed for church, because we were trying to make the 8am service. Here's Ruth all decked out playing with the Easter grass.

We got Rachel and Ruth these chairs from Wal-Mart and they loved them.

Rachel checking out her bunny glasses and getting ready to hunt some Easter eggs in our yard.

Hunting for Easter eggs.

Good pose.

Ruth watching Rachel very intently while she hunts for the eggs.

Rachel showing Ruth an egg.

Ruth checking out the egg.
There were alot of good photos of the girls, way too many to post. I'll post a few of Ruth later this week after she goes to the doctor for her 9 month check up.