My baby girl is already 9 months old - Wow! Time has sure flown by. We've been in Wichita, drove to SC, visited FL, Washington state, Las Vegas, back to SC, then back to Wichita, and now we're getting ready to move to our new house in Wichita. She is such an easy going, sweet, and even tempered little girl. It is so awesome to watch her watching Rachel and just loving everything she does and wanting to be just like big sister. She babbles like crazy, can crawl like a speed demon, is pulling up, and even standing unassisted for a few seconds. She is eating solids really well and takes great naps and sleeps through the night. I couldn't ask for a better baby, she really is perfect.
At the doctor today she weighed 16 pounds and 11 ounces, making her in the 15th percentile. A much bigger improvement from when she was 6 months old. She was 28 1/2 inches, making her in the 79th percentile for height and her head was at the 50th percentile.
Here are some pictures we took at Easter with her all decked out in her frilly outfit. Enjoy!
She smiles all the time, but for some reason this was really the only smile I could catch on camera.
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