Monday, April 29, 2013

Family Festival of Fun 2013

Well, this is take 2 for McConnell Family Festival of Fun. We attended this event last year, and Rachel seemed to really enjoy it. This year didn't disappoint, in fact, she enjoyed it even more.
Here she is checking out the petting zoo.

She liked to pet the sheep.

Here she is giving the sheep a hug.

Rachel was super excited about the horse back rides. We waited in line for a long time, but she remained very patient. Look at that smile, she was really enjoying it.

Rachel killing the cotton candy

Happy girl, Ruth, finally got to escape the stroller. Rachel was having fun on the bouncy houses and Ruth got to crawl around for a while.

Waiting patiently for the fire truck ride.

Big smiles after the fire truck ride

She got to go through the fire/smoke house and learn how to evacuate in case of a fire. She was at the window, like let me know out of here!

Rachel and Daddy next to the humvee

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